
Linking Oracle Apex Application Page in an Email Notification. 1.     Code your Apex notify process using APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL.   Assign it to a variable Ex: v_url := v_url := APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL(         p_url => 'f?p=' || :APP_ID || ':x:'||:APP_SESSION||'::NO:RP,5:P5_ID:'||:p5_id,         p_checksum_type => 'PUBLIC_BOOKMARK');   2.     Use the variable v_url in your mail notification content.   3.     On PXX_ID page item, go to security, set session state protection to Checksum Required - Session Level.   4.     On Page XX, go to security settings, set Deep linking to "Enabled" and Page Access protection to "Arguments Must have checksum". The above steps will enable email notifications to directly link to an Apex application Page.
Oracle Incentive Compensation(OIC): Overview: Sales jobs have a significant, measurable impact on the revenue of your business. Keeping your employees motivated and happy is very important for the long-termhealth of your enterprise. Oracle Incentive Compensation plays a part in determiningcash and other tangible rewards. You can use Oracle Incentive Compensation to payemployees, partners, customers, and any nonemployee role. Key terms Used in building compensation plan within OIC Module: • Products are user-defined categories of sales for which your organization awardscompensation. Each product represents a different kind of sale for which yourorganization pays compensation. Classification rules are used to determine theevent eligible for compensation and the basis of calculation. • Formulas determine how the compensation will be calculated. • Rate Tables are the part of a formula that determines the rate at whichachievements is compensated. Rate dimensions are the structur...


Oracle Application: Middleware:  Middleware provides a link between different software applications.  Its a software that lies between OS and applications. RICE stands for Reports,Interfaces,Customization and extensions. Responsibility in oracle applications is a level of authority.  Its a collection of menus and data-groups. Number of responsibility in a module is unlimited. and it can be assigned to multiple users. Components of a responsibility are menus, request group and data group.  Responsibility defines user access level. Difference Between Oracle apps 11i/R12 Summary of Changes Changes in Detail What’s new in Oracle Apps R12 Key points to Note: Oracle Applications Release 12 is the latest release in the chain of E-Business Suite Releases by Oracle. This release came up with the new file system model Autoconfig will not write anything in APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP area in R12. All instance specific configurations, log file...